What exactly is an apple pie? Performative arts and pedagogy: Towards the development of an international glossary
Please note that this is a slightly edited version of the group discussion. Scenario wishes to acknowledge the vital contribution of Josephine Rutz by expressly thanking her for the transcription of the discussion. MS: Welcome everyone to this afternoon’s group discussion as part of the 4th SCENARIO FORUM Symposium. As you have read in the Symposium programme the German professional association Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft (BAG) Spiel & Theater e.V. aims to develop an international glossary of key terms in the area of applied drama and theatre and has invited professionals from outside Germany to become involved in this project. Thank you for coming along to this session which is the first brainstorming session on the topic of an international glossary in the area of Performative Arts and Pedagogy. The participants in today’s group discussion are based at institutions in English speaking countries. I wish to thank especially our guests from abroad for their contributions to the Symposium: Barbara Schmenk from Canada, University of Waterloo; Katja Frimberger from Britain, Brunel University, London and Mike Fleming, University of Durham; and, of course, also a big thanks to my university colleagues Róisín O’Gorman and Bernadette Cronin, based in the Department of Drama and Theatre Studies ...Published
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How to Cite
What exactly is an apple pie? Performative arts and pedagogy: Towards the development of an international glossary. (2016). Scenario: A Journal of Performative Teaching, Learning, Research, 10(2), 65-81. https://doi.org/10.33178/scenario.10.2.6