Performative in a nutshell
Contributors to this new rubric draw attention to terms that are frequently used when we speak or write about our pedagogical practices. The idea is to engage Scenario readers in a discussion of key terminology in the area of performative teaching and learning. Through Scenario Journal and various Scenario Forum initiatives, including conferences, symposia, colloquia, the term performative has become a key term in the modern languages debate.2 Many readers will remember the 2014 conference entitled Performative Teaching, Learning, Research, the 2017 conference on Performative Spaces in Language, Literature and Culture Education; and the 2020 conference, which carried the title Going Performative in Education, had to be cancelled due to the Covid-19 related lockdown. Like with any other term the meaning of the term performative very much depends on how it is used in a specific context. The photograph below draws our attention to a context that is particularly noteworthy against the background of the recent worldwide Black Lives Matter protests. Fig. 1: Underground station Mohrenstraße in Berlin Why is the streetname crossed out with a red line? From medieval times the German word Mohr was often used when reference was made to people with dark skin. Similary, in the ...References
Austin, John Langshaw (1979): How to do things with words. Oxford: Clarendon
Bachmann-Medick, Doris (2010): Cultural Turns. New Orientations in the Study of Culture. Berlin: DeGruyter
Butler, Judith (1990): Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory. In: Sue-Ellen Case (ed.): Performing Feminism, Feminist Critical Theory and Theatre. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 270-82
Dunn, Julie & Stinson, Madonna (2011): Not without the art!! The importance of teacher artistry when applying drama as pedagogy for additional language learning. In: Research in Drama Education 16/4, 617-633,
Even, Susanne (2020): Presence and Unpredictability in Teacher Education. In: Scenario XIII/1
Fischer-Lichte, Erika (2008): The Transformative Power of Performance. A new aesthetics. London: Routledge,
Fischer-Lichte, Erika (2004): Ästhetik des Performativen. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp
Fleming, Michael (2016): Exploring the Concept of Performative Teaching and Learning. In: Even, Susanne & Schewe, Manfred (eds.): Performatives Lehren, Lernen, Forschen – Performative Teaching, Learning, Research. Berlin: Schibri, 189-205
Hensel, Alexandra (2020): Fremdsprachenunterricht als Ereignis. Zur Fundierung einer performativ-ästhetischen Praxis. Berlin: Schibri
Jogschies, Bärbel; Schewe, Manfred & Stöver-Blahak, Anke (2018): Recommendations for the Promotion of a Performative Teaching and Learning Culture. In: Scenario XII/2, 52-56, [last accessed June 22, 2020]
Piazzoli, Erika (2018): Embodying Language in Action. The Artistry of Process Drama in Second Language Education. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan,
Schewe, Manfred (2013): Taking Stock and Looking Ahead: Drama Pedagogy as a Gateway to a Performative Teaching and Learning Culture. In: Scenario VII/1, 5-19
Schewe, Manfred (2011): Die Welt auch im fremdsprachlichen Unterricht immer wieder neu verzaubern – Plädoyer für eine performative Lehr- und Lernkultur! In: Küppers, Almut; Schmidt, Torben & Walter, Maik (eds.): Inszenierungen im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Grundlagen, Formen, Perspektiven. Braunschweig: Diesterweg, 6-20
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th Scenario Forum Symposium Participants (2016): What exactly is an apple pie? Performative arts and pedagogy: Towards the development of an international glossary. In: Scenario X/2, 65-81, [last accessed June, 22 2020]
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