About the Journal

Focus and Scope 

Aigne is rooted in the scholarship and expertise of University College Cork’s College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences (CACSSS). As an interdisciplinary journal, it is interested in all aspects of the Arts, Humanities, Digital Arts and Social Sciences. 

Publishing with Aigne is completely free — there are no article processing charges (APCs) or submission fees.

Aigne invites submissions in both the English and Irish languages, and we encourage postgraduates and early career researchers from UCC and around the world to submit. We welcome submissions in the form of articles, book reviews, event reports, creative pieces, and papers from the CACSSS Postgraduate Research Conference. For further details, please see below.

Aigne has recently published Volume 10, themed  "Encounters" (2024).


Aigne is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scholarly articles. To be considered for publication, all articles must adhere to Aigne’s Author Guidelines and be thoroughly proofread prior to submission.

Annual Call for Papers:  
Aigne issues a theme-based call for papers annually.

  • Authors are invited to submit an abstract (250–500 words) of their proposed paper, along with their CV,  for consideration.
  • Authors will be notified of the outcome by the dates specified in the call for papers.
  • If accepted, authors have until the given deadline to submit full articles (c. 5,000–7,000) words.

Rolling Submissions:
We also consider completed articles (c. 5,000–7,000 words) for publication on a rolling basis. If accepted by the editor and after passing the review process, articles submitted on this basis will be published in the next available volume. Authors should note that this may not necessarily be the immediately upcoming volume 

To be considered for the next volume of Aigne (vol. 11), articles submitted on a rolling basis (independent of the theme-based call) must be received by 31 May 2025. Articles received after this date will be considered for inclusion in the following volume.

Peer Review Process

Once you submit your manuscript, it will be assigned to a member of our Editorial Board, who will read it and make a decision about whether it is appropriate for Aigne. If the manuscript is accepted, it will be sent to external reviewers through the online Open Journal System,  Ensuring a double-blind review process where both authors and reviewers remain anonymous. Reviewers are not identified to the authors unless specifically requested by the reviewer. 

Normally, we aim to provide peer-review feedback to authors within approximately 12 weeks of receiving their articles. In line with our peer review guidelines, the reviewer will assess the manuscript and make one of the following decisions

     — Accept Submission: Accept without modification 
     — Revisions Required: Accept with minor changes
     — Resubmit for Review: Ask for resubmission following major revision
     — Resubmit Elsewhere: Recommendation that the article may be better suited
          for a different publication
     — Decline Submission: Submission is rejected

When the reviewer has decided that significant changes should be made to a manuscript, the author will have the opportunity to prepare a revision within the deadlines specified. The revised manuscript will be sent either to the same reviewers or to new ones, depending on what is deemed appropriate by the editor. The revision should include an explanation of the major changes undertaken.

Once the revision process is successfully completed and all necessary revisions have been made and approved, your paper will be accepted for publication. It will then undergo final pre-publication checks before your editor contacts you about the final dates of appearance.

Book Reviews 

For Publishers and Authors:
Publishers and authors are invited to contact us at aigne@ucc.ie to arrange the submission of books for review. We welcome books covering all topics within the arts, humanities, and social sciences, in line with Aigne's scope.

For Reviewers:
If you are interested in providing a book review for Aigne, please get in touch with our Book Review Editors at aigne@ucc.ie.

  • Aigne offers a selection of books for review which are advertised in our calls for reviewers. We invite potential reviewers to submit their CV for consideration.
  • Books not listed in our calls may also be considered by review. If you have a request contact us before the date specified in the call. You should include the abstract of the book and a sentence or two detailing the relevance of the book to the theme. Please title your email “Book Review Request: Surname, Forename” and attach an up-to-date Resume/CV.  
  • Selected reviewers will be required to submit a c. 1000-word review by the set deadline.
  • To be considered for publication, all reviews must adhere to Aigne’s Author Guidelines and be thoroughly proofread prior to submission. 

Event Reports 

The journal accepts academic event reports from national and international events. Submissions can include reports from Irish conferences, international conferences and other academic events in the realm of humanities and social sciences.

 An event report as sought by Aigne is approximately 1,000 words in length, uses the Harvard referencing style and should generally contain the following details:

  • The event should have occurred within the year prior to publication.
  • Authors should specify location, date and the timeline of a conference/ academic event along with day-to-day proceedings.
  • An overview should be given of the proceedings of a conference or a particular event.
  • Authors should detail the core ideas of any particular presentation along with the arguments given and the conclusions arrived at.
  • The report should connect the individual talks with the overarching themes and issues central to the conference.

Potential contributors are asked to contact the editors (aigne@ucc.ie) to agree the submission of a report.

CACSSS Postgraduate Conference Papers

Aigne welcomes submissions based on presentations made at the CACSSS Postgraduate Research Conference. This year's conference will be held on Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 February 2025. Contributors to this section are reminded to upload their submission to the correct section ("Papers from the CACSSS Postgraduate Conference") when submitting to the Aigne website.

Papers must:

  • have been presented at the most recent CACSSS PG Research Conference
  • be accompanied by an abstract (c. 200–450 words)
  • be 4,000–6,000 words in length
  • adhere to Aigne's author guidelines
  • contain appropriate citation following the referencing system used by Aigne

A number of submitted papers will be selected to advance to the peer-review stage. The selected papers will be published in the next volume of Aigne, provided that all necessary revisions are completed.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

The work published by Aigne is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).  For our full Copyright Notice, see Aigne's Author Guidelines