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Author Guidelines


1.1 Presentation

Articles must be accompanied by an abstract (wordcount specified in the CFP). Articles are supposed to be between 5,000­-7,000 words long, but excluding the bibliography. Articles can be submitted in both Irish and English.

1.2 Format

All submissions must be Times New Roman, black font, 12pt for the main body of the text and 14pt bold for main headings, 12pt bold for sub­headings. Heading must be centred, sub­headings left­-aligned. All articles must be justified. The text should be typed with 1.5 line spacing. A4 format must be used, with 2,54 cm at all margins. Page numbers must be placed at the top right of the header. A new paragraph must be indented by 1,27 cm.

1.3 Spelling

Aigne uses British English spelling. However, quotations must retain the original spelling. For example, if an author uses American English, the quotation should remain unchanged

1.4 Quotations

A quotation which is up to, but no longer than, twenty words can be enclosed in the flow of the main text; it must be placed in double quotation marks. A quotation within a quotation should be placed in single quotation marks. Quotations exceeding the twenty­ word limit must be placed as a separate paragraph and must be indented on the left and right. Indentations should be 1.27cm on each side and have a font size of 11pt. No quotation marks should be used for longer quotations.

1.5 Translations

All quotations in foreign languages should be accompanied by a Modern English translation, which should be enclosed in double quotation marks and placed in a footnote. Translations of quoted poetry should likewise be enclosed in double quotation marks and placed in a footnote. Poetry in footnotes should be printed in continuous prose and should indicate line breaks with a forward slash. E.g. “This is line one of the poem, / and this is the second line; / this is the final quoted line”. The reference to the work cited should always follow the translation. Quotations within a footnote should likewise be followed by their reference. The translation should then appear in double quotations marks and in round brackets (with no colon or comma preceding the brackets) and the reference to the translation placed into the brackets as well, separated from the translation by a comma.

1.6 Numbers

Numbers should be written as words up to one hundred, and if not within a specific reference or measurement or other mathematical data, e.g. the twenty-first century, but 21% if part of extensive statistical data.

1.7 Text figures (including maps)

Aigne has no restriction with regard to the number of text figures. It is the responsibility of the contributor to obtain permission for the reproduction of any image from the authority holding the copyright.

Text figures (including maps) should be placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end, and clearly identified. Ideally, you should supply figures, which have been drawn professionally. Any wording incorporated in the figure itself, e.g. in a key explaining symbols, should accord in spelling, punctuation etc., with the above conventions. All images and maps must be captioned.


All references should be made using the Harvard system. For more information, including the citing of more specific sources, authors are directed to the UCC Library Harvard Referencing Guide.

Works Cited

Authors will need to check whether DOIs are available for their references and include them in the Works Cited. To do this, visit Crossref Simple Text Query and paste your entire reference section into the provided field. Click submit, and the page will generate any available DOI addresses. Add these at the end of the corresponding entries.


Authors are responsible for providing anonymised versions of their manuscripts. They must remove any identifying information before submitting to Aigne.

  1. The name(s) of author(s) should not feature anywhere in the paper submitted for review (including header, footer, title page, or at the end of articles)
  2. However, when referencing your own research, format in-text citations as (Author, Year) such as (e.g., (Smith, 2022))
  3. Avoid language that discloses authorship, such as "my study" or "we/the authors have previously shown (Smith et al., 2022)." You should rephrase references to your own work in a neutral, third-person manner
  4. In the bibliography, list the reference as (Author, Year) while omitting the title, publisher, and any other details that could reveal your identity.
  5. Remove personal information from the file itself. In MS Word go to File>Info>Inspect Document. Check “Document Properties and Personal Information”. Inspect document and remove these elements
  6. Save the file using the title of the article. Do not include the name of the author(s), initials, or any other identifiable information

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements. Authors should check that:

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, DOIs for the references have been provided. Check your references for DOIs here:
  • The text uses 1.5 line spacing; uses a 12-point font; employs italics for emphasis; and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring Peer Review have been followed.
  • Article submission include a minimum of five key terms that are relevant to the article’s subject matter.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Additionally, Authors submitting to the peer-reviewed sections of the journal are encouraged to include their ORCID identifier on their Aigne profiles

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Any personal data you provide to us via the registration form and journal system will be processed fairly and lawfully.

It will be used for the purposes of alerting readers when new issues are published or other announcements are made by journal Editors. In the case of Authors, Reviewers and Editors, it will also be used to facilitate the submission, review and publication workflow. Author and Editor names and affiliations may be published and deposited with third-party registries as part of standard article and journal metadata.

The Data Protection Acts allows us to process your data because you have provided your explicit consent. You are entitled to withdraw your consent at any time. As a registered user you will be able to view and modify your profile and configure notifications. If you withdraw your consent, Aigne will no longer process your personal data and will take steps to delete all reference to your data securely to the greatest extent possible.  

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