Call for Papers: Special Section on the CACSSS Postgraduate Research Conference


University College Cork's College of Arts Celtic Studies and Social Sciences (CACSSS) hosts an annual conference to showcase the research of its postgraduate students. Aigne invites postgraduate researchers who presented at the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences (CACSSS) Research Conference to develop their conference paper into a peer-reviewed publication with Aigne. 

We welcome submissions from all conference presenters. Papers that meet the required academic standards will proceed to peer review. Our editorial team is available to provide guidance throughout the process.

Submission Guidelines

To be considered, papers must:

  • Be based on a presentation given at the most recent CACSSS Postgraduate Research Conference
  • Include an abstract of approximately 200–450 words
  • Be c. 4,000–6,000 words in length
  • Adhere to Aigne’s Author Guidelines
  • Use the  referencing system required by Aigne

Please note that in the event of any deviations from the style guide, the paper will be automatically returned for re-submission. 

The deadline for submissions is 7th April. However, we understand that flexibility may be needed in certain cases—please get in touch if you require an extension.

Contributors should ensure that their submission is uploaded to the correct section ("Papers from the CACSSS Postgraduate Conference") when submitting via the Aigne website.