Call for Creative Pieces

Crisis is a concept which often has strong negative connotations, particularly in a world experiencing a series of economic, political, and social crises within various contexts, territories, and vocations. While crisis and predicament seem to have an intuitive connection, crisis is also a catalyst for invention and innovation: for potential. Crisis encourages us to experiment with both reshaped and unprecedented paradigms, even in uncertain or turbulent scenarios which could appear transgressive at the time presented. It is important to value and understand, in the context of new emerging mind-sets, the potential of these transformations and the impact they could have for the world we live in.  


Aigne is seeking creative submissions (max. 4,000 words) which engage with this issue’s theme of Crisis: Predicament and Potential. We invite creative submissions in a variety of formats, including:

  • Poetry

  • Short Stories

  • Flash Fiction

  • Photography

To be considered for publication, submit the following by November 25th: 


A Word/RTF document of your creative piece;

Contact information - name, email address, and any institutional affiliation; 

Cover letter for each author/co-author (in any format).

Email to: Please title your email “Creative Submission: Surname, Forename”.


All queries may be directed to Creative Editors Matty Adams and Robert Feeney, at  

Expected publication Early Spring 2020.