Dramaturgies of presence
Il teatro ad Asinitas: dall’apprendimento linguistico all’acquisizione di presenza personale e collettiva
Plurilingualism, Migration experience, Personal presence, Collective presence, Dramaturgical constructionAbstract
This article describes the practice of the association Asinitas in Rome, which accompanies language learning paths for foreigners (migrants, refugees and asylum seekers) with theater workshops. Beginning with the workshop “The Human Voice” conducted with the Bartolini-Baronio company, the aim is to highlight the potential of theater for: the construction of a multilingual context that enhances the multilingual repertoire of each; the development of expressive capacity through attention to the co-verbal aspects of communication that include the body, space, voice with its prosodic characteristics; individual biographical narration that becomes collective dramaturgy consolidating the construction of a community capable of opening a window of dialogue with the city. The article aims to offer insights into how these aspects can be particularly significant in the context of migration for the acquisition of individual and social presence, the enhancement of linguistic-expressive skills, the construction of meaningful social ties, and the reworking of the migration experience itself.References
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