Performative Arts & Pedagogy: A Swiss Perspective
With this text, we would like to offer inroads insights into aspects of performative arts and pedagogy in Switzerland from three intersecting and connecting perspectives. Following a brief general introduction, we shall describe: We shall also include a summary view of organizations representing Theatre Educators in Switzerland. Our challenges are the following: Whilst we fully support the title Performative Arts and Pedagogy as a promising and opening wording to broaden the horizon beyond traditional forms of theatre (thus welcoming also the inclusion of performance arts as a genre), we shall use in this brief report the name “theatre education” , as we refer to centres, programmes and courses which are made visible as “Theaterpädagogik” in Swiss contexts. As we have co-written this document we realize, that it is a first step towards a more substantial text which we would wish to draft at a later stage, notably also in regard to ongoing research in the field of theatre education in the French and Italian speaking regions and in regard to recent journal publications authored in Switzerland. Although theatre or drama are not a school subject at Swiss Elementary Schools, a wide variety as well as a large number of theatre ...Published
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How to Cite
Performative Arts & Pedagogy: A Swiss Perspective. (2019). Scenario: A Journal of Performative Teaching, Learning, Research, 13(2), 59-69.