‘My language is part of your country’
Youth disengagement is closely linked to current phenomena of (Islamic) radicalization in Western societies and beyond. Therefore, substantial funding is dedicated to ‘de-radicalization programs’ such as the ‘Aarhus Model’ within the Danish de-radicalization ‘Action Plan’ (2009–). Providing support for finishing school, housing and work to ‘would-be fighters’ in conflict zones of the Middle East offers an alternative to punitive approaches. Nonetheless, sustainable success in creating a sense of belonging in liberal democracies arguably needs to start earlier and avoid discriminatory assumptions like those seen in the term ‘de-radicalization’.The author proposes a strategic initiative in Applied Theatre. Based on Process Drama and In-Role-Drama, the initiative focuses on the two-way teaching of language(s) in the Drama classroom. It considers both the pragmatic need for one (or several) official language(s) to keep open the sophisticated channels of communication in modern liberal democracies, and the rich cultural and linguistic heritage that arrives in many Western societies from other parts of the world every day. Employability needs meet the need for reciprocal empathy and shared cultural acknowledgement. Avoiding the common vocabulary of deficiency (‘lack of language proficiency’, ‘need for cultural integration’) the article outlines the possible benefits and potential obstacles of this new approach.References
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