Sounds in the Foreign Language Lesson
Modern teaching approaches such as CLIL and various European policies (Council of Europe 2014) promote the vision of a multilingual school where the new European citizen can grow up learning at least two languages besides their mother tongue(s). From the point of view of foreign language teaching, especially interesting is the use of the arts (theatre, drama, music, dance, and fine arts), whether to create a new approach to teaching and learning (Schewe 2013) or to increase the motivation and commitment of the learners (Fleming 2014). In order for schools and teachers to be able to make use of the performing arts and modify their teaching methods accordingly, however, it will be necessary for government bodies and universities to modify and enrich teacher education – not just initial education but also continuing education – with special courses, workshops, and conferences. Language and music are two worlds that are strongly interconnected. According to Patel (2008: 3), both of these worlds define us as human because both of them appear in every human society, no matter what other aspects of culture may be absent. Even the smallest, most isolated tribes, like the Pirahã in Brazil, have music and songs in abundance though ...References
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