Queer auf Deutsch
Positive classroom environment and LGBTQ+ inclusion through drama-based pedagogy in a collegiate beginner German course
classroom environment, inclusion, LGBTQ, drama-based pedagogy, critical pedagogy, classroom research, undergraduate research, German, foreign language educationAbstract
In this report, we retrospectively explore the effects of drama-based pedagogy on classroom environment and LGBTQ+ inclusion in a first-semester collegiate German course. We examined students’ self-reported perceptions of their learning experience in English, as well as gendered language production in German. Our retroactive analysis suggests that pedagogical decisions and activities rooted in drama-based pedagogy contributed to creating a safe and inclusive classroom that encouraged LGBTQ+ students to express parts of their queer identities in the target language.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Devon Donohue-Bergeler, Dakota Hanka, Callum Goulet

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