"Facettenreich" – A theatre course at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
Improvisation, Theatre course, Performative teaching and learning, GfL, German as a foreign language, Tertiary education, Experience from practiceAbstract
"Facettenreich" is the name of the theater course at the Department of German Language at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, which took place for the first time in 2020/2021. Due to the corona regulations in force until then, the course was held online. At the beginning of the winter semester 2021/2022, the course took place in person, then, due to the renewed switch to online teaching, it was initially continued online via Zoom and in spring 2022 it was held in person again. In the third year, the theater course was only held in person. The aims of the course were to give students the opportunity to speak freely in an informal setting, to engage imaginatively with language and to take away their shyness about expressing themselves spontaneously in German. The focus was on giving the students space for creativity, providing a safe space for emotions and encouraging their empathy.
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