Theatre techniques as a medium for focusing on form in language didactics in the context of German as a second language and teaching of language in different subjects
Theatre techniques, Drama pedagogy, Focus on form, Subject-specific language education, German as a second language, GSL, PerformativityAbstract
Drama-based pedagogy uses techniques of theatre to bring about holistic learning through action in different subjects (e.g. Tselikas, 1999). It includes specific techniques (e.g. hot seat, freeze frame, statue, doubling etc.) that are used in the process of developing theatre plays and can sometimes also be experienced in final theatre productions. However, they can also be used in content-oriented lessons to support learning processes. In subject lessons, the focus is usually on exploring the content of the subject through drama, whereas in foreign language lessons the techniques are deployed to promote oral interaction and linguistic improvisation. In this article, a form-focused use of staging techniques will be presented. In order to foster student internalisation of grammatical structures, vocabulary and educational language constructions, these techniques are embedded in meaningful, communicative contexts which enable students to experience the relationships between linguistic forms and functions. Their use as a creative form of expression, which students develop, practise and perform in the safe setting of the seminar, provides an authentic context for the target structures to be repeated multiple times. At the same time, the structures are linked to physical and aesthetic experiences, leading to deeper internalisation and promoting lasting memorisation. From the perspective of language didactics, as shown in this article, the individual staging techniques can develop very different potentials depending on how they are implemented and can be used for different language proficiencies and learning contexts.
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