Helga Tschurtschenthaler: Drama-based foreign language learning. Encounters between self and other.
Book reviews reflect the views and opinions of the respective reviewers and do not necessarily represent the position of SCENARIO. Helga Tschurtschenthaler’s study is one of the most important scholarly contributions in recent years to the field of drama-based foreign language teaching. She conducted her research in an EFL class in an upper secondary school in multilingual South Tyrol and presents a plethora of data that demonstrates the impact of drama in foreign language education on students’ sense of self as emerging multilingual subjects (Kramsch 2009). What stands out about this study, besides its detailed presentation and analysis of student data, is the fact that Tschurtschenthaler succeeds in connecting recent theoretical contributions to the fields of language education and identity to more practical considerations. Overcoming the gap between theory and practice in this domain is one of her signal achievements. “You are not you when you speak Italian. It’s as if you become someone else when you change into Italian. You don’t only sound different, but you even behave differently. Then, you’re not the person I know.” (11) These are the opening lines of the book, leading the reader directly to its main subject. Tschurtschenthaler explains that it was a ...References
Council of Europe (2001): Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Learning, Teaching, Assessment (= CEFR). Strasbourg: Council of Europe
Kramsch, Claire (2009): The Multilingual Subject. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Kramsch, Claire (2006): From communicative competence to symbolic competence. In: Modern Language Journal 90/2, 249-252
Kresic, Marijana (2006): Sprache, Sprechen und Identität: Studien zur sprachlich-medialen Konstruktion des Selbst. Munich: iudcium
Kristeva, Julia (1986): Revolution in poetic language. In: Moi, Toril (ed.): The Kristeva Reader. Oxford: Blackwell, 90-136
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